Spikenard Gan Song 3

Spikenard Gan Song

Botanical name: Nardostachys Jatamansi 
Manufacturing Part: Root 
Extraction Method: Distillation 
Origin of Origin: Nepal 
Product Information: 100% pure natural essential oil

Gan pine is one of the essential oils with medical value. It is often used to make perfumes, medical herbs and skin care agents. It can reduce skin allergic reactions and eliminate various rashes. It is an essential oil with a balancing effect. Therefore, various types The skin can be used in facial massage creams or skin care products to add Ganpine essential oil, which is especially helpful for mature skin. Ganpine essential oil can correct the physiological balance of the skin and promote long-term skin regeneration.

It has warming, drying and diuretic functions. It is suitable for treating excessive menstrual bleeding, leucorrhea, kidney and liver problems, and various infections. It can also help eliminate long-term accumulation of toxins in the body and balance the menstrual cycle. It has fungicidal effect. Essential oils can fight against vaginal Candida. Because of its diuretic and detoxifying functions, it also balances the secretion of hormones, making it an effective treatment for cellulitis. It is also an excellent deep-relaxing essential oil that prevents the condition from getting worse due to stress For people who are prone to nervousness and anxiety, Gansong is a very useful essential oil. It is similar to frankincense, which can help people clear their inner emotional disorders, release their energy and emotional massage.

Gan pine, known for its curative effects and aroma since ancient times, is an aromatic herb. Its root system is very special. From a taproot, two kinds of young shoots develop, one of which is underground flower stem or underground stem. Most of the essential oil of Gan pine is It is obtained from this part. The essential oils of light yellow to dark amber colors can be obtained by distillation. The main natural ingredients in the essential oils are jingnao, valerin, borneol, patchouli alcohol, rosin alcohol and eugenol Its fragrance is difficult to describe, with deep, peaty and earthy flavors.

Suitable essential oils include lavender, patchouli, pine and vetiver. They are low volatility essential oils.

Contraindications for use: Avoid use during pregnancy.

QRS 997515