Body skin topical articles 3

Body skin topical articles

1. Allergic redness. Mosquito bites to relieve itching/erythema: (external spray + wet compress) German/Roman Chamomile Hydrosol/Witch Hazel Hydrosol/Lavender Hydrosol
2. Eczema, psoriasis, itching: (external spray + wet compress) yarrow + witch hazel hydrosol/tea tree hydrosol
3. Open wounds help heal: (external spray + wet compress) Witch Hazel/German Chamomile Hydrosol
4. Wound hemostasis. Wound cleaning. Wound healing: (wet compress. Rinse) Rock Rose + Witch Hazel Hydrosol/ Geranium Hydrosol
5. Fascial inflammation and pain relief: (external spray + wet compress) Laurel Hydrosol + German Chamomile Hydrosol
6. Burns/Blisters/Sunburn: (external spray + wet compress) German Chamomile Hydrosol/Lavender Hydrosol
7. Anti-hematoma agent/impacting blood stasis/strong anti-inflammatory: (wet compress) Italian Permanent Flower Hydrosol
8. Heat stroke: (wet compress) Bodhi + German Chamomile/Lavender Hydrosol
9. Sports massage agent / varicose veins: (wet compress) Yarrow + Cypress / Witch Hazel Hydrosol + German Chamomile Hydrosol
10. Muscle soreness/joint pain: (wet compress) Balsam Fir or Laurel Hydrosol + German Chamomile Hydrosol / Peppermint Hydrosol
11. Relieve tired feet/ankle swelling/(external spray or foot bath) Cypress + Rosemary/ Cypress + Sage Hydrosol
12. Hemorrhoids: (sit bath) Cypress + Witch Hazel + German Chamomile Hydrosol
13. Pustules/bedsores: ((external spray + wet compress) agarwood thyme hydrosol
14. Cellulite: (wet compress + oral administration) juniper berry + cypress + permanent flower hydrosol
15. Foot sweat/body odor/reduce perspiration: (external spray) German chamomile + tea tree or wild marjoram (orally taken) sage hydrosol

1. 過敏發紅.蚊蟲叮咬止癢/紅斑性: (外噴+濕敷)德國/羅馬洋甘菊純露/金縷梅純露/薰衣草純露

2. 濕疹牛皮癬搔癢:(外噴+濕敷)西洋蓍草+金縷梅純露/茶樹純露
3. 開放性傷口幫助癒合: (外噴+濕敷)金縷梅/德國洋甘菊純露
4. 傷口止血.傷口清洗.傷口癒合: (濕敷.沖洗)岩玫瑰+金縷梅純露/天竺葵純露
5. 筋膜發炎止痛: (外噴+濕敷)月桂純露+德國洋甘菊純露
6. 燙傷/起水泡/曬傷: (外噴+濕敷) 德國洋甘菊純露/薰衣草純露
7. 抗血腫劑/撞擊瘀血/強效消炎: (濕敷)義大利永久花純露
8. 中暑: (濕敷)菩提+德國洋甘菊/薰衣草純露
9. 運動按摩劑/靜脈曲張: (濕敷) 西洋蓍草+絲柏/ 金縷梅純露+德國洋甘菊純露
10. 肌肉酸痛/關節疼痛: (濕敷)香酯冷杉或月桂純露+德國洋甘菊純露/歐薄荷純露
11. 舒緩疲累雙腳/腳踝腫脹/(外噴或足浴)絲柏+迷迭香/絲柏+鼠尾草純露
12. 痔瘡: (坐浴)絲柏+金縷梅+德國洋甘菊純露
13. 膿疹/褥瘡:( (外噴+濕敷) 沉香醇百里香純露
14. 橘皮組織:(濕敷+內服)杜松果+絲柏+永久花純露
15. 腳汗/狐臭/減少排汗量: (外噴)德國洋甘菊+茶樹或野馬鬱蘭(內服)鼠尾草純露
Flower water pure body application 987229