PEPPERMINT Flower Water Hydrosol 3

PEPPERMINT Flower Water Hydrosol

Peppermint hydrate has many properties. It soothes sickness, irritation and itchy skin. This flower water fights against circulation, digestion and pancreatic diseases.

Plant name: Mentha Piperita

Origin: France

Production method: distillation

Sensory properties: most of the time, transparent liquid and colorless

Fragrance: fresh, mint, sweet

Flavor: very refreshing, mint, slightly sweet

Beauty: irritation, burns, sunburn, insect bites, itching, measles, psoriasis, heavy legs, astringent, nourishing, purifying, cleansing, and softening.

Substances in aromatherapy: healing, smoothing, regenerating, antibacterial, activating skin microcirculation, regulating blood vessels, coordinating pancreas, circulatory disorders, excessive sweating, hot flashes, high digestion, nausea, motion sickness, migraine and headache, viral Diseases: herpes zoster, chickenpox, itching, urticaria

Peppermint Flower Water Hydrosol 989611