Sandalwood Australian 3

Sandalwood Australian

Botanical name: Santalum Spicatum 
Manufacturing Part: Wood 
Extraction Method: Distillation 
Origin of Origin: Australia 
Product Information: 100% pure natural plant essential oil

Centuries ago, Indians used sandalwood as a spice and incense. Sandalwood is an excellent lung fungicide and mild, especially suitable for persistent and irritating dry coughs. Because of its calming effect, It is most suitable for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, it can soothe sore throat, and the best way to use it is internal and external clamping attack, using inhalation and applying essential oils to the chest and throat at the same time.

Sandalwood is well-known internationally and is popular all over the world. Its most well-known function is as a spice. There are many perfumes, air fresheners and cosmetics added with sandalwood essential oil in both the East and Europe. Sandalwood is not only With a charming fragrance, it is also helpful for all types of skin and skin conditions. It can help dry and dehydrated skin, especially with hot compresses. In addition, it has a slight astringent and strong bactericidal effect. Therefore also It can help oily skin and acne. Skin care products or medicines added with sandalwood can not only achieve medical effects and smooth the skin, but also relieve itching and inhibit the growth of bacteria in rashes. Sandalwood is a well-known aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac. Other aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac essential oils can stimulate the reproductive organs to achieve the desired effect.

Sandalwood is a small evergreen parasitic tree that steals nutrients by adsorbing other tree roots. It is native to India and small islands in the Indian Ocean. The best quality sandalwood is produced in Mysore Province, India. Sandalwood grows It is very slow, and only very mature, almost dead sandalwood trees can be cut down. The cut trunks must first be eaten by the outer layer of the trunk. Only the central hardwood that cannot be attacked by the inner layer of the trunk can be used as building material. Materials for furniture and incense. This is also the main part of the production of essential oils. Sandalwood essential oil contains more than 90% of sandalol, and the rest also contains terpenes, sandallic acid, leucosantalic acid and leucosanone. The color ranges from yellow to dark brown. The oil is thick and sticky. The smell is not very strong at first, but the smell will last for a long time and become stronger after being applied to the skin.

Australian sandalwood is grown using West Indian sandalwood grafting, and the quality is certainly not as good as real sandalwood. The higher-quality sandalwood essential oils are produced in East India, Vietnam and New Caledonia.

Functional properties : anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, antitussive, flatulence, diuresis, soft skin, phlegm, sedation.

Efficacy for the mind : It has an excellent relaxing effect and can soothe nervous tension. It can bring peace and calmness. It can also dispel anxiety and bring a feeling of relaxation and happiness.

Physical effects : It is extremely helpful to the genitourinary system, can improve cystitis, and has the effect of clearing blood and anti-inflammatory when used in massage. Its aphrodisiac properties can improve sexual problems, such as sexual cold and impotence, and it is said to be able to improve through Sexually transmitted diseases, have purifying function on sexual organs, can promote vaginal secretion. Sandalwood has antispasmodic effect on the body, and is also effective for chest infections, bronchitis, sore throats and dry coughs caused by lung infections. It can stimulate the immune system, It can prevent bacterial infections. When the mucous membrane is inflamed, sandalwood can make the patient feel very comfortable and help sleep. Due to its astringent properties, it is also helpful for diarrhea and heartburn.

Skin effects  Sandalwood is especially beneficial for dry eczema and aging and dehydrated skin. It can make the skin soft, improve itching and inflammation. Its antibacterial function can help improve pimples, boils and infected wounds.

Suitable essential oils : Basil, Benzoin, Black Pepper, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Orange Blossom, Palmarosa, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Cedar, Tulip Pine cones, etc. are low volatility essential oils.

QRS 997511