Lemon Blossom Water Hydrosol 3

Lemon Blossom Water Hydrosol

Lemon-Citrus limonum Lemon-Citrus limonum,
also known as lemon water essential oil, is made by separating oil and water during the process of extracting lemon essential oil. Lemon Hydrosol is dissolved in water and has the functions of replenishing moisture, moisturizing, whitening, rapid anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-itching, and anti-aging.

Lemon Pure Lotion is taken from the essence of fractionation in the distillation and extraction process of essential oils. Fresh or dried lemons are put into a steam hot melting furnace, and the strong volatile lemon aroma essential oil is carried out by steam to form water containing essential oils. In the vapor state, it is condensed into a liquid state by the temperature difference in the duct passing through the freezer, thereby separating the pure dew. The pure lotion contains a variety of precious ingredients in lemon, and contains about 0.3% to 0.5% of the water-soluble components of essential oils, so it still retains the aroma, partial curative effect and slight antibacterial properties of essential oils, and contains plant extracts that essential oils do not have (such as Tannins and flavonoids), make the pure lotion have the effect of conditioning the skin, and its low concentration characteristics make it easier to be absorbed by the skin.

The effect and effect of lemon pure lotion

  Lemon Hydrosol is rich in vitamins, which can effectively prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation and make the skin white and shiny. Rich in organic acids, it can neutralize with the alkaline on the skin surface, prevent and remove pigmentation in the skin, and remove grease and dirt. At the same time, it has antibacterial, softening and cleansing effects, which can deeply cleanse and increase facial elasticity.

  Its unique fruit acid composition can also soften the stratum corneum, remove old dead cells, brighten dull skin tone, improve broken capillaries, and purify greasy hair.

  Lemon itself can cure mosquito bites and drive away flies. Long-term use of Lemon Hydrosol has a certain effect on preventing mosquito bites.

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