THYME LINALOL Thyme Flower Water Hydrosol 3

THYME LINALOL Thyme Flower Water Hydrosol

The leached thymol hydrolysate stimulates immune defenses and disinfects wounds. Anti-parasitic, this flower water is used in cases of intestinal infection. Killing fungi, this thyme water eliminates fungi and fungal diseases.

Plant name: Thymus Vulgaris

Origin: France

Production method: distillation method

Sensory properties: most of the time, transparent liquid and colorless

Smell: strong, fresh, aromatic, candied

Flavor: refreshing, aromatic, candied

Beauty: charge and mixed skin, acne skin, sensitive skin, hair and scalp, dull, regulate sebum secretion on area T, balance and quickly purify greasy or greasy scalp

Substances in aromatherapy: anti-oxidation, regeneration, balance, regulation, purification, beautification, strengthening of intestinal and vaginal flora, digestion and mild diuresis, rebalancing its relationship with food, revitalizing, stimulating, and open mind. Bile and liver insufficiency painful abdominal swelling stomach, cramps, hot flashes, circulatory disorders related to the hormone system: swelling of ankles and legs, asthma, bronchitis, productive cough, cholesterol, oral ulcers, oral infections and gingivitis, Strong desire for sweets before menstruation

Agarwood Thyme Flower Water Hydrosol 989617