Curcuma 3


Botanical name: Curcuma Aromaticum 
Manufacturing Part: Seed 
Extraction Method: Distillation 
Origin of Origin: India 
Product Information: 100% pure natural essential oil

Turmeric essential oil has a strong soothing and balancing effect. It is also a good antibacterial agent and can help treat acne. Turmeric is a perennial plant with a spicy and refreshing aroma of wood. The oil is yellow to slightly yellow Green. The scent of it and other essential oils is very easy to blend, and the compound essential oil can produce a soft and mellow feeling.

It is especially suitable for combination with ginger, ylang ylang, clary sage and other spicy essential oils. It is a low volatility essential oil.

Contraindications: Be careful to use the amount, not too concentrated and large amounts.

C 997229