Basil 羅勒 3

Basil 羅勒

植物學名: Ocimum Basilicum
萃取方法: 蒸餾法
產地來源: 意大利
產品資料: 100%純天然植物精油

古時候, 人們利用羅勒來治療胸腔感染, 消化系統問題以及黃疸, 有些藥草學家還認為羅勒具有壯陽, 促進性欲的功能. 吸入羅勒精油, 可以治療頭痛, 偏頭痛和感冒等疾病, 而它對於淨化思緒的效果, 僅次於迷迭香, 可提振精神. 羅勒精油可治療各種呼吸道感染, 如支氣管炎和咳嗽, 用它在胃部及腹部輕輕按摩, 可以緩和痙攣及消化系統的不適, 也可減輕月經時的腹痛或增加月經流量. 而羅勒很少單獨用於按摩, 大多會混合其他精油, 與薰衣草複方, 特別適合治療肌肉疲勞, 緊張或勞動過度. 它具有激勵和調節性的精油. 如稀釋後使用, 可促進皮膚健康, 增加光澤.

芳香療法中所使用的羅勒有粉紅色, 白色的花, 橢圓形而有細毛的葉子, 香味有些似百里香, 但比較強烈而辛辣. 羅勒精油帶有微黃色, 主要具有活性成份甲基對苯烯基酚40-50%, 芫荌油醇, 桉油酚, 丁香酚, 松油萜及樟腦.合相配的精油有佛手柑, 快樂鼠尾草, 丁香蕾, 尤加利, 青檸, 檸檬, 杜松, 橙花, 迷迭香等. 是高揮發度精油.

功能屬性 : 止痛, 抗沮喪, 抗痙攣, 抗蛇毒, 防腐, 催情, 殺菌, 利腦, 助消化, 祛腸胃脹氣, 通經, 祛痰, 退燒, 催乳, 殺蟲, 利神經, 催汗, 健胃, 補身, 復健, 激勵, 驅蠕蟲.

心靈療效 : 可使感覺敏銳並使精神集中, 能穩定歇斯底里與神經功能失調, 當感覺虛弱時, 可振奮沮喪的情緒.

身體療效 : 對治療頭痛和偏頭痛有非常好的效果, 據說可使瞬間的暈眩和暫時的麻痺恢恢正常. 它可以消除鼻黏膜上的息肉, 改善耳痛. 能減輕過敏的症狀, 因為羅勒會影響腎上腺皮質, 而腎上腺皮質能控制因壓力而造成的過敏現象. 羅勒有類似雌激素的作用, 對月經方面的問題通常都很有用, 如經血過少, 乳房腫脹等.它還可用於黃蜂和昆蟲咬傷. 羅勒對呼吸道也頗有益處, 常被用於治療鼻竇充血, 氣喘, 支氣管炎, 肺氣腫, 流行性感冒, 百日咳. 亦可幫助回復因鼻黏膜發炎而喪失的嗅覺. 它對消化系統問題也很有療效, 如嘔吐, 胃痙攣, 噁心, 消化不良, 上呼吸道的不適和打嗝. 而它的抗菌作用可淨化腸和腎. 羅勒可降低血中的尿酸, 進而緩解痛風和肌肉疼痛, 促進血液流通, 能減輕涼`深層肌肉的痙攣.

皮膚療效 : 對下垂, 毛孔粗大的皮膚, 有緊實和更新清爽之功效, 也能控制粉刺.

適合相配的精油 : 佛手甘, 黑胡椒, 快樂鼠尾草, 天竺葵, 牛膝草, 薰衣草, 馬鬱蘭, 香蜂草, 豆蔻, 肉桂, 丁香, 芫荽, 檸檬, 柑橘, 苦橙葉, 橙花和檀香等. 屬中揮發度精油.

使用禁忌 : 具激勵和調節性, 不要過量使用, 孕婦忌用.

保健芳香療法配方 (所有配方資料祇供參考)

舒緩情緒薰香法 : 羅勒4滴, 檸檬4滴, 杜松果2滴.

舒緩精神疲勞和神經性失眠薰香法 : 羅勒4滴, 薰衣草3滴, 羅馬洋甘菊2滴.

Botanical name: Ocimum Basilicum Manufacturing Part: Leaf Extraction Method: Distillation Origin of Origin: Italy Product Information: 100% pure natural essential oil 

In ancient times, people used basil to treat chest infections, digestive system problems, and jaundice. Some herbalists also believed that basil had the function of aphrodisiac and promote libido. Inhaling basil essential oil can treat headaches, migraines and colds, and it is good for The effect of purifying thoughts is second only to rosemary, which can boost the spirit. Basil essential oil can treat various respiratory infections, such as bronchitis and cough. Use it to gently massage the stomach and abdomen to relieve cramps and digestive discomfort , It can also reduce abdominal pain during menstruation or increase menstrual flow. Basil is rarely used alone for massage, and most of them are mixed with other essential oils, combined with lavender, and are particularly suitable for treating muscle fatigue, tension or overwork. It is stimulating and regulating Essential oil. If diluted and used, it can promote skin health and increase luster.

The basil used in aromatherapy has pink, white flowers, oval and finely hairy leaves. The fragrance is somewhat similar to thyme, but it is strong and spicy. Basil essential oil is slightly yellow and mainly contains the active ingredient methylparaben Base phenol 40-50%, corianderol, cineole, eugenol, terpinene and camphor. The compatible essential oils are bergamot, clary sage, clove bud, eucalyptus, lime, lemon, Juniper, orange blossom, rosemary, etc. are highly volatile essential oils.

Functional properties  : analgesic, anti-depression, anti-spasm, anti-snake venom, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, sterilization, brain benefit, digestion aid, flatulence, menstruation, expectorant, fever reduction, lactation, insecticidal, nerve promoting, sweating, health Stomach, replenish body, rehabilitate, inspire, deworm.

Mind curative effect  : It can make senses sharp and concentrate, can stabilize hysteria and neurological dysfunction, and can invigorate depression when feeling weak.

Physical efficacy  : It has a very good effect on the treatment of headaches and migraines. It is said to restore instant dizziness and temporary paralysis to normal. It can eliminate polyps on the nasal mucosa and improve earaches. It can reduce allergic symptoms because of basil It affects the adrenal cortex, and the adrenal cortex can control allergies caused by stress. Basil has an estrogen-like effect and is usually useful for menstrual problems, such as low menstrual blood, breast swelling, etc. It can also be used for wasps and Insect bites. Basil is also beneficial to the respiratory tract. It is often used to treat sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, influenza, whooping cough. It can also help restore the loss of smell due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is effective for digestion System problems are also very effective, such as vomiting, stomach cramps, nausea, indigestion, upper respiratory tract discomfort and hiccups. And its antibacterial effect can purify the intestines and kidneys. Basil can reduce blood uric acid, thereby alleviating gout and muscle pain. Promote blood circulation, can reduce the spasm of the deep muscles.

Skin effects  : It has firming and refreshing effects on sagging, enlarged pores, and can also control acne.

Essential oils that match: Bergamot, black pepper, clary sage, geranium, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, coriander, lemon, citrus, petitgrain, orange blossom and sandalwood Incense etc. It is a medium volatile oil.

Contraindications for use: stimulating and regulating, do not use excessively, contraindicated by pregnant women.

Health-care aromatherapy formula (all formula information is for reference only)

Soothing aroma incense: 4 drops of basil, 4 drops of lemon, 2 drops of juniper berries.

Relieve mental fatigue and nervous insomnia incense: 4 drops of basil, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of Roman chamomile.

AB 996781