Cold 3


Common colds are caused by viral infections of the nose or throat. At present, researchers have found that at least 30 different types of viruses can cause cold symptoms, and these viruses often mutate to produce new types. If the mucous membranes of the nose and throat are inflamed by viruses, they will become very fragile, and it is easy for bacteria to enter, which can cause sinusitis, ear infections and bronchitis and other secondary infections that are much more serious than the initial cold.

In addition to being a good bactericide, some aromatic essential oils can also stimulate the body's own immune system and help fight invading viruses. Therefore, it can not only reduce cold symptoms, but also reduce the risk of secondary infections.

When cold symptoms just occur, use aromatic essential oils to treat them, which will quickly suppress all outbreaks of cold symptoms, thereby shortening the cold time and recovering health as soon as possible.

Essential oils with better anti-cold effects include lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme, and rosemary. Pine trees, marjoram, etc.

The common methods of using essential oils to treat colds are inhalation and bathing. When the cold symptoms first appear, immediately take a bath with tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils to prevent the cold from getting worse. In the bath water at night, add lavender essential oil, or add some marjoram essential oil, in addition to promoting a lot of perspiration, you can also get a deep and relaxing sleep.

The method of bathing is: add up to 6 drops of essential oil in a full tank of slightly hot water, and the essential oil must be diluted before dripping. Usually it is added to the base oil, mixed and diluted, and then poured into the water. You can also add a cup Shake the whole milk well and then pour it into the water. What needs to be remembered is that you must wait until the water fills the bathtub before adding essential oils, and then soak your whole body in the water for 15 minutes. If possible, it’s best to soak once a day in the morning and evening for two to three days in a row for better results. Note that you cannot use tea tree or eucalyptus and other invigorating essential oils at night to avoid sleeplessness. .

Inhaling essential oil vapor can enhance the effect of bathing. Inhaling high-temperature steam (increase the steam temperature as much as possible without scalding the nasal cavity and throat) can hinder the growth of the virus. If you add tea tree and eucalyptus essential oil, the effect will be better. While these two essential oils are more suitable for use during the day, you can switch to lavender essential oil at night.

Steam inhalation method: In a waste plastic container, such as a porcelain bowl, glass cup, stainless steel cup, etc., add hot water, drip up to two drops of essential oil, and use a large towel around the back of the head and neck, covering the shoulders and face Put the part close to the top of the container about 5 to 10 cm away, and inhale the steam alternately with your mouth and nose. Inhale 2 to 3 times a day for three consecutive days. It is important to note that people with asthma cannot use this method!
If you have a sore throat, you can use essential oils to make a mouthwash. The specific method is to add 1 drop of tea tree or thyme essential oil in a cup of pure water, shake it evenly, and rinse it in your mouth. 2 to 3 times a day for two or three consecutive days. Be careful, don't swallow it!
If it is influenza, in addition to applying the above methods to curb the further deterioration of the cold, you should also spray essential oils or incense essential oils in the room, and disinfect the air environment. Tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils are the best Choose, if you add bergamot essential oil, the effect is better.

The method of spraying essential oils is to add 100ml of pure water and 10 drops of essential oils to a container with a spray head. Tighten the cap, shake vigorously and spray it in the air in the room. Shake vigorously once every 2 or 3 sprays. This is because essential oils are not soluble in water. You can also add essential oils to alcohol, shake vigorously to mix and dilute them before spraying.
In addition, fresh garlic can not only prevent colds, but also treat colds. During a cold, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to avoid infection. A large amount of vitamin C supplementation can also shorten the duration of a cold. If these methods are combined with aromatherapy, there will be greater curative effects.

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