Mother and child care 3

Mother and child care

1. Mom's sickness/digestive disorder/edema: (taken internally) lemon balm + a small amount of mint/cinnamon bark hydrosol
2. Alleviate childbirth pain: (back and abdomen hot compress) happy sage hydrosol + happy sage essential oil + blue moxa Chrysanthemum essential oil
3. Mother promotes milk secretion: (taken internally) Fennel Seed Hydrosol
4. Mother’s nipple cracked: (External spray + wet compress) Roman Chamomile Hydrosol
5. Soothing children under one year old/Sleep spray: (Bath/ Bathing/external spraying) Roman chamomile/lavender hydrosol
6. Diaper rash/prickly heat/mosquito bites/: (external spray + wet compress) Roman chamomile/German chamomile + lavender hydrosol
7. Relieve the discomfort of long teeth: (oral + massage gums) ) Roman Chamomile Hydrosol
8. Neonatal constipation: (pillow tissue sniffing) Fennel Seed Hydrosol
9. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Child Hysteria/Enhance Children's Confidence: (Internal Use) Lemon Balm + Orange Blossom Hydrosol
10. baby fever :( internal or bath) yarrow / cornflower hydrosol
11 children Cradle cap / diaper rash :( topical or bath): Melissa + Chamomile or yarrow;
re a diaper 
rash available linalool Thyme Hydrosol
Baby skin care 987228